Royal Family

Kate Middleton in un abito Zara per il primo evento ufficiale dell’anno

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Pubblicato il 17/01/2020
Di Team Digital
Kate Middleton in un abito Zara per il primo evento ufficiale dell8217anno

La Duchessa è regina di stile.

Kate Middleton inaugura il 2020 con un abito Zara e detta nuove (e non impossibili) regole nello stile di ogni giorno. Mentre la cognata Meghan Markle (ex membro senior della famiglia reale) appare a Vancouver – sorridente e più serena che mai – con pantaloni neri e maxi maglia color panna, la duchessa di Cambridge sceglie un vestito stampato con cintura ed il suo stile diventa in un attimo virale nel web.

Kate Middleton ha mixato alla perfezione, con classe ed immancabile eleganza, un vestito Zara da giorno, moda 2020 e lusso. Tonalità bianco e nera per i quadri dell’outfit sfoggiato dalla Duchessa nel giorno del “back to work”, il primo dopo le festività natalizie. La foto della sua prima partecipazione dell’anno, insieme al principe William a Bradford lo scorso 15 gennaio, non è passata inosservata. Il suo abito Zara (il cui costo, con i saldi, si aggira intorno ai 30 euro) è stato abbinato ad un elegante cappotto firmato Alexander McQueen (non proprio così economico, invece), Kate Middleton dimostra di essere regina di stile.

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At one of Bradford’s two Khidmat Centres — which help the most vulnerable members of the community from minority ethnic backgrounds — The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge heard about the activities and workshops offered at the centre, and the organisations that they support. With 18 month old Sorayah The Duke and Duchess took part in a Little Dots workshop led by @betterstartbradford, which uses music and play to support children’s social, emotional and physical development, and support adult self esteem. At the Centre The Duke and Duchess also joined a @nearneighbours workshop, which brings together people from religiously and ethnically diverse communities across the UK to know each other better, build relationships of trust, and collaborate together on initiatives that improve the local community that they live in. Photos by Kensington Palace #RoyalVisitBradford #Bradford

Un post condiviso da Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) in data: 15 Gen 2020 alle ore 11:12 PST

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Evoking memories of #RoyalVisitPakistan at @mylahore_ in Bradford — where The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge met students from @bradfordcollege on a kitchen apprenticeship scheme at the restaurant. My Lahore is a British Asian restaurant chain which has taken inspiration from Lahore, known as the Food Capital of Pakistan, visited by The Duke and Duchess in 2019. The Duke and Duchess tried their hands at making mango and kulfi milkshakes before sitting down to meet representatives from the UK Women’s Muslim Council and people who have benefitted from the Council’s Curry Circle. The Curry Circle, which is sponsored by MyLahore, is an initiative that provides a hot two-course meal for people who are homeless or struggling to feed themselves. Before departing, The Duke and Duchess met restaurant staff and also took the opportunity to catch up with British-Pakistani Boxer @amirkingkhan! Photos by Kensington Palace #RoyalVisitBradford #Bradford

Un post condiviso da Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) in data: 15 Gen 2020 alle ore 8:40 PST

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